Using dplyr
There are some of the primary dplyr
verbs, representing distinct data analysis tasks:
Filter: Select specified rows of a data frame, produce subsets
Arrange: Reorder the rows of a data frame
Select: Select particular columns of a data frame
Mutate: Add new or change existing columns of the data frame (as functions of existing columns)
Summarise: Create collapsed summaries of a data frame
Group By: Introduce structure to a data frame
Use the pipe operator to combine dplyr functions in chain, which allows us to perform more complicated data manipulations
Syntax (Pipe dataframe as input into the dplyr function):
dataframe %>% dplyr_function()
f(x) %>% g(y)
is equivalent to g(f(x),y)
i.e. the output of one function is used as input to the next function. This function can be the identity
x %>% f(y)
is the same as f(x,y)
become x %>% f(y) %>% g(z) %>% h(u) %>% k(v,w)
as “then do”Read in the pitch data set. The data are from an experiment on different advanced metrics of MLB baseball pitchers different pitch types.
playerid | pitcher_hand | pitch_type | spin_rate | ab_result | action_result | adj_h |
2795 | R | CU | 3000.024 | \N | F | 0 |
2795 | R | CU | 3146.456 | \N | B | 0 |
3646 | R | CU | 3012.067 | \N | B | 0 |
2795 | R | CU | 3026.256 | HB | B | 0 |
is similar to the base function subset
Multiple conditions in filter
are combined with a logical AND (i.e. all conditions must be fulfilled)
filter(pitcher_hand == "R", pitch_type == "CU")
Logical expressions can also be used
filter(pitcher_hand == "R" & pitch_type == "CU")
or filter(pitch_type == "CU" | subject == "KN")
Use filter
to get a subset of the pitchdata
Ex. Filter the data down to left handed pitchers, who throw a curve with at least 3300 rpms (spin_rate)..
the subset and create a plot
hint: what is the default first argument of the ggplot
Easy way to arrange your data in ascending or descending order
playerid | spin_rate |
16669 | 3055.508 |
16669 | 3072.307 |
16669 | 3075.055 |
16669 | 3164.546 |
15686 | 3032.944 |
Successive variables are used for breaking ties from previous variables.
playerid | spin_rate |
476 | 3012.770 |
476 | 3017.095 |
476 | 3024.533 |
476 | 3028.328 |
476 | 3040.097 |
Look up the help file for the function slice
Use slice
on the arranged pitchdata
dataset to select a single row
use slice
to select multiple rows
Hint: Use the entire data set
playerid | pitcher_hand | pitch_type | spin_rate | ab_result | action_result | adj_h |
15540 | R | CU | 3041.712 | \N | F | 0 |
playerid | pitcher_hand | pitch_type | spin_rate | ab_result | action_result | adj_h |
16669 | R | CU | 3055.508 | \N | C | 0 |
16669 | R | CU | 3072.307 | \N | B | 0 |
16669 | R | CU | 3075.055 | \N | B | 0 |
16669 | R | CU | 3164.546 | \N | C | 0 |
15686 | R | CU | 3032.944 | K | S | 0 |
playerid | pitcher_hand | action_result | spin_rate |
2795 | R | F | 3000.024 |
959 | L | C | 3051.596 |
2795 | R | B | 3146.456 |
3646 | R | B | 3012.067 |
2795 | R | B | 3026.256 |
2795 | L | B | 3038.633 |
mean_spinrate | sd_spinrate |
3125.67 | 109.8614 |
and group_by
playerid | mean_spinrate | sd_spinrate |
476 | 3065.601 | 44.64957 |
607 | 3278.486 | NA |
657 | 3042.489 | 43.01146 |
959 | 3056.323 | 42.85757 |
1030 | 3044.114 | 37.69737 |
Select only playerid, spin_rate, and action result
Group by both playerid and action result and find mean and sd of spin rates
the summaries into a ggplot
Change an existing or create a new variable into the data
Creating a new column in your data set that represents something new
Great for calculations
How would I create a calculation for how far above or below each players pitches are from their own average spin rates?
Examplepitch %>%
select(playerid, spin_rate, action_result) %>%
group_by(playerid, action_result) %>%
summarise(mean_spin = mean(spin_rate),
sd_spin = sd(spin_rate)) %>%
mutate(mean = sum(mean_spin) / n()) %>%
mutate(difference = mean - mean_spin) %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 6
# Groups: playerid [3]
playerid action_result mean_spin sd_spin mean difference
<dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 476 B 3077. 52.1 3058. -19.1
2 476 F 3101. 1.69 3058. -43.4
3 476 S 3041. 17.0 3058. 17.2
4 476 X 3013. NA 3058. 45.3
5 607 B 3278. NA 3278. 0
6 657 B 3047. 46.2 3036. -11.2
Sometimes you are tasked to create a new column based on a clause
function allows you to create an if else statement within the creation of the new variable.
Consider rewriting the handedness of our pitchers.
If the pitcher_hand is R write “Right” if not, “Left”
Why does pitch$mean_spin
not return a real-valued summary??
When we use the piping operator like we have been, the data is only ever being changed within the sequence
We only ever look at this new variable in the previous chunk.
It has not been created globally into the dataset itself
To do this, you need to create your new column by declaring it as its own variable.
OR summarize
?Both commands introduce new variables - so which one should we use?
adds variables to the existing data set
The resulting variables must have the same length as the original data
e.g. use for transformations, combinations of multiple variables
creates aggregates of the original data
The number of rows of the new dataset is determined by the number of combinations of the grouping structure.
The number of columns is determined by the number of grouping variables and the summary statistics.
summarize(n = n())
is equivalent to tally()
(Number of unique rows in dataset)
Number of unique observations in each group
Based on your (limited) knowledge of baseball, you determine what is a “successful” curveball. Then determine what pitchers pitched the most successful curveballs!
Note: There are many different ways of answering this question. None are wrong and you don’t need to know anything about baseball to try. Consider criteria that it needs to meet.
Ex. A successful curveball needs to be above 90 mph in velocity and have over 3100 rpms in spin rate.
utilize the sum()
function to add up all your curveballs!
Consider a success as any strike (S), catch (C), and foul ball (F)
playerid | action_result | ab_result | adj_h | successfulCU | totalSSCU | percentSSCU |
16669 | C | \N | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0.5 |
16669 | B | \N | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0.5 |
16669 | B | \N | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0.5 |
16669 | C | \N | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0.5 |
Filter down to get the best pitchers with a minimum of 50 curveballs thrown (our median)
The dataset ChickWeight
is part of the core packages that come with R
Hint: data(ChickWeight)
gets the data into your active session.
From the help file:
four groups of chicks on different protein diets. The body weights of the chicks were measured at birth and every second day thereafter until day 20. They were also measured on day 21.
Create a line plot with each line representing the weight of each Chick
Focus on weight on day 21. Draw side-by-side dotplots of weight by diet.
Bonus: Use summarize
the average weight on day 21 under each diet. Overlay the dotplots by error bars around the average weight under each diet (see ?geom_errorbar
Hint for 1: check out ?group
and consider what varible or variables you might map to this option
First, we need a separate dataset for the summary statistics:
is incredibly flexibleConsider a new variable gain
, which gives the increase in weight of a chick since birth
Rows: 12
Columns: 4
Groups: Chick [1]
$ weight <dbl> 42, 51, 59, 64, 76, 93, 106, 125, 149, 171, 199, 205
$ Time <dbl> 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21
$ Chick <ord> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
$ gain <dbl> 0, 9, 17, 22, 34, 51, 64, 83, 107, 129, 157, 163
Getting used to dplyr
actions can take a bit of time and practice
Recognize keywords and match them to dplyr
Incorporate dplyr
functions in your regular workflow - the long-term benefits are there, we promise!