Class Week 9


October 17, 2024

Hypothesis Testing

Preparation: Read the following two articles

And come prepared to discuss them during class

Discussion questions:

  • What did you learn from reading these two articles?

  • What do you think about hypothesis testing given these articles?

  • How did Fisher’s hypothesis test differ from Neyman-Pearson’s hypothesis test?

  • How does null significance hypothesis testing originate from the two different concepts?

  • What do your students need to understand about NSHT?

    • Is historical context necessary for them?
    • Is historical context helpful for you?

In 2 weeks:

  • Find a 218 instructor that has used a project in their class and interview them to learn about the project.
    • What did they learn?
    • What did the students learn?
    • What they would incorporate into future classes?
    • What would they change and why?