Weekly materials
Week 12 - Strings
Course information
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Weekly materials
Week 1 - Setting Up
Week 2 - Scripts & Notebooks
Week 3 - Intro to Programming
Week 4 - Building Blocks
Week 5 - Data Structures
Week 6 - Control Structures
Week 7 - Functions
Week 8 - Midterm
Week 9 - Version Control
Week 10 - Data Visualization
Week 11 - Data Cleaning
Week 12 - Strings
Week 13 - Reshaping Data
Week 14 - Creating Good Charts
Week 15 - Review
On this page
Week 12: Strings
📖 Reading
🎯 Check your understanding
🥣 Prepare for class
🐪 Wednesday
🏋️ Practice your skills
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Weekly materials
Week 12 - Strings
Week 12: Strings
📖 Reading
Working with Strings
- Read only sections Basic Operations, Converting to Numbers, Separating and Joining Columns.
🎯 Check your understanding
Week 12 Reading Quiz
🥣 Prepare for class
Try out each of the different ways to manipulate strings and clean up data
🐪 Wednesday
Working with Strings
🏋️ Practice your skills
Homework 10
(Submitted via Github classroom)
Week 11 - Data Cleaning
Week 13 - Reshaping Data